
Expand your horizons

Create your unique path of exploration and learning

Undergraduate studies

There are many program options available to you within our culturally rich and diverse community—whether you know the direction you want to go or are looking to figure out where your passion lies.

Program list ->

How to apply ->

Admission requirements ->

Tuition and fees ->

Attend an online information session ->

Graduate studies

Graduate students are leading the way to discoveries that matter to Canadians. Challenge yourself, expand your horizons and continue your education in one of our many graduate programs.

Program list ->

How to apply ->

Admission requirements ->

Tuition and fees ->

Attend an online information session ->

Extended Education

Take a step forward in your life and career. Gain new skills, keep learning, and prepare for the future with our flexible Extended Education programs and courses, including many online options.

Program and courses ->

Connect with us ->

Undergraduate Admissions

Bole Olympia, in front of Dembel City Center, Next to Aberus Complex

Graduate Studies Admissions

Bole Olympia, in front of Dembel City Center, Next to Aberus Complex

Extended Education

Bole Olympia, in front of Dembel City Center, Next to Aberus Complex