Assistant Professor/Associate Professor

Educational background: BA+ MSc+ PhD (vertically related and specialization in Accounting and Finance)

Experience: Teaching experience at tertiary level is advantageous.

N.B. Please send your CVs, copies of credentials and work experience testimonials to [email protected].


  1.  Interested applicants with a rank of Assistant Professor (awarded from public university) may apply.
  2. Applicants who have attended study abroad should bring certificates of equivalence approved and authenticated by FDRE Education and Training Authority (former HERQA).
  3. The selected candidate is expected to bring clearance within 30 days from the most recent employer. However, all past work experience letters/clearances should be attached with copies of credential on the date of application.

Job Information

Status: Open No of vacancies: 1 Job type: Full Time Years of experience: Teaching experience at tertiary level is advantageous. Salary: ETB45000 - ETB50000 /Per Month Publish date: 27 Feb 2023

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