Seminar On Entrepreneurship: Its Need and Development

Lunar International College organized a seminar on Seminar on Entrepreneurship: Its Need and Development at Megenagna Campus on December 24, 2022. Different scholars delivered keynote speeches and presentations at the seminar.

From the seminar, it can be noted that students are at the core of teaching, and entrepreneurship education can equip them with an entrepreneurial mindset, which can lead to greater involvement and engagement across core studies. Learning can be more enjoyable when embedded in real-life examples and when individuals are allowed to take ownership of their success.

Through entrepreneurship activities, students can gain key entrepreneurial skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, risk-taking, and teamwork. Entrepreneurship can offer alternative pathways for young people, improving their skills, employability, and life chances, while supporting wider economic and social development.

Effective entrepreneurship education relies on both teachers and the culture of teaching institutions. Teachers need a broad range of competencies to successfully embed entrepreneurial education within the curriculum, and this can be supported by a school environment where risk is encouraged and where employment as an outcome of learning is a priority.

Entrepreneurship teaching doesn’t provide answers but supports learners to identify the right questions. It should look to push boundaries, encourage learners to think creatively and be confident enough in their ability to take the risks necessary to succeed. Creative environments must also support failure as mistakes can often prove to be the greatest lessons.

Furthermore, the economic development of a country will be faster when more business ventures are funded and promoted. This capital deficit can be solved when more financial institutions contribute a part of their funds for the promotion of entrepreneurship or new ventures. In this way, the financial system allows the creation of businesses.

Generally, the future is dependent on the next generations, and high-quality teaching that incorporates entrepreneurship will be an essential part of their success. The active minds of tomorrow are reliant on the guidance and support of the teachers today who will open the world of possibilities. 

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